Hungarian pumi – Pumi is the dateless clown

The pumi is one our old traditional Hungarian shepherd dogs who can stand for its ground excellently in our recent world. The dateless clown who is always happy, a loyal mate who is quick to act and you can never be bored with. It has a high logical ability and a lot of good features.

Hungarian pumi

Hungarian pumi

It is typical that it keeps commenting on everything. It is said to be „barky” by many, though it’s not true like this. It’s a fact that it belongs to the „talkative type” as it is a shepherd dog but never barks without a reason! This characteristic is not disturbing, what is more it matches its happy individuality. So you cannot just not notice it!

Hungarian pumi

Its Latin name perfectly summarizes the essence of the species: Canis familiaris ovilis (shepherdability) villosus (shag) terrarius (terrier type) Raitsitsi. The terrier aspect can bee seen in its outer appearance – shape of head, long cheek, quadratical body – and it reflects in its behaviour, also in the inner character: reckless, brave and pushy.

Hungarian pumi

It is a perfect family dog considering its size and temper, it loves children. Its tireless and eager, so it is an excellent mate in any kind of dog sport, which can be agility, dog-dancing, obedience, fresbee, etc.

Hungarian pumi

The pumi can stand for its gound very well in the present by taking its characteristics from the past. It is an ideal mate that can be easily handled by the appropriate keeper who can bring happiness, unlimited insitence and love to our rushing life.

Hungarian pumiThe pumi was introduced by Dóra Holdampf by her own dogs who is the President of International Pumi Association and the leader of Pilisi-Kócos pumi kennel in Esztergom which has been operating since 2002. Many Champion, Europe and World winner pumi come from her kennel, the World and Species winner pumi of 2014 and 2015 were born here, as well. Pilisi-Kócos pumi dogs live all over the world, from France through the Scandinavian countries to the USA.
