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Hungarian salami

Téliszalámi, known all over the world as Hungarian salami, is one of the "aristocrats" of all sausages. Its...

Stuffed peppers – Hungarian recipe

Hungarian recipe - Stuffed peppers Hollow out the peppers. Finely chop a quarter of the onion, and...

Paprika isn’t always paprika

When Hungarians speak of "paprika," they could be referring either to the whole pods of different members of...

Hungarian salad – the essential accompaniment

Salads are not served as an independent course in traditional Hungarian cuisine, but as an essential...

Hungarian recipes for chicken – Chicken soup

Hungarian recipes for chicken Cut the chicken into portions. Place in a high-sided pot, and pour over 4-5...

Hungarian coffee

The actual national drink of Hungary is coffee - a strong mocha with a high level of caffeine, a kind of...

Meat pancakes with paprika sauce – Hortobágyi pancake

PREPARATION: Make 8 pancakes, and prepare the meat as for Porkolt csirke. Dice the cooked meat, or push...

Visit Budapest: visiting the ruinpubs

Visit Budapest and enjoy the vibrant night life  during your  Budapest  ruin pubs visit! Free drinks, ...

Hungarian paprika – How to use the red spice

After this time, it becomes easier to chart the development of hungarian paprika. Records kept by pepper...

Chicken paprika – csirkepaprikás

In western Europe, chicken paprika (Paprikás csirke) became a prize-'winning dish at the end of the 19th...

hungarian paprika

Paprika – the premier

"What spice do you associate with Hungary?" The answer to this question is unlikely to tax competitors in...

Bull’s blood – Eger wine

At the foot of the Bükk mountains lies the town of Eger, one of the most beautiful and most frequently...

Cauldron goulash from Hungary

Hungarian goulash history – goulash secrets

Goulash is lauded as the Hungarian specialty all over the world, and it is no coincidence that an entire...

Hungarian palinka

Hungarians enjoy a good, strong dram. Fruit brandy  (Hungarian palinka) aids the digestion after a sometimes...

Easy goulash recipe – how to make goulash soup

Easy goulash recipe - Hungarian goulash soup Cut the meat into 3/4 inch/2 cm cubes. Peel and finely...