Secrets of the ground paprika from Kalocsa

Where does the ground paprika come from? It’s an eternal question, some people are talking about Spanish origins, some think it came from the Turkish… well, the origin may be a mystery, but it is certain that Hungary is on the top of mass distribution in whole Europe. In this articlewe will discover the legends surrounding paprika, and tell you why it is a real Hungarikum

According to the legend, the first plants were found in the garden of a Franciscan monastery. The exceptional herb is related to an exceptional housewife who was as familiar with the mysteries of the kitchen as she was in the great politics.Maria Széchy, wife of Count Ferenc Wesselényiintroducedthe paprika in Hungary in the 1600s.

At first it spread as a pepper substitute spice, but more and more beneficial effects were discovered. For example,during the cholera epidemic of 1831 people believed that the regular consumption of paprika could protect against the disease.

Is the ground paprika a Hungarian invention?

The herb is known around the world but drying and grounding it is certainly a Hungarian invention. This is why it became a real Hungarikum. Depending on the content of capsaicin,  we are talking about sweet, mild and hot grinding.

Of course, over the centuries we became creative not only in grinding it, but also in the way it is used. There was a straight path led from spice paprika grinds added to onions toasted in lard to “pörkölt” base, goulash soup and chicken paprikash.

Paprika mills of Kalocsa

Kalocsa’s first paprika mill was built in 1861, and in 1900 there were already 3 mills working with stone pairs. At the end of the 19th century the paprika mills were powered by steam engines, and by the 20th century diesel and electric motors appeared, while the Danube watermills remained as well, using the power of nature to produce this specialty.

The ground paprika from Kalocsa is typically a deep red, velvety spice with a sweet, fruity flavor and an aroma similar to spicy, caramelized, toasted seeds. This unique taste is known almost all over the world.
