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Made In Hungary

This is the lace Halas!

Unique in the world since 1902… Mysteriously beautiful… Elegant and magnificent... Its value rivals with...

Lucy’s day tradition in Hungary- Christmas preparations and witches in Hungary

Lucy’s day tradition said on December 13 we remember Saint Lucy. With the introduction of the Gregorian...

Hungarian fresh sausages

Mr Goulash and the pig slaughter – hungarian traditions

Mr. Goulash loves the pig slaughters. In his childhood, in the Jászság (a part of the Hungarian Great Plain)...

Shepherd costume from Hungarian goulash festival

Mr. Goulash made a movie about Hungary’s biggest goulash festival

As it is well known, Mr. Goulash in 2012 visited Szolnok, the goulash festival. Our hero tried to get behind...

A time to dance and eat heartily: the Hungarian country wedding

Foreign tourists in Hungary are often taken to see a traditional country wedding and its huge wedding...

Hungarian coffeehouses – Turkish heritage and now

In the first half of the 20th century Budapest, like Vienna, was a city of coffeehouses. Nowadays, it is a...