Hungarian recipes: Twists (forgácsfánk)


  • 1 tbsp sugar

  • 5 egg yolks

  • 1 egg

  • 1 tbsp sour cream

  • 1 tbsp rum

  • Pinch of salt

  • 3 cups/350 g flour

  • Generous 2 cups/500 ml oil for

  • deep-frying

  • Vanilla sugar and confectioners’

  • sugar

Hungarian recipesHungarian recipes

Combine the sugar, egg yolks, the whole egg, cream, rum, and salt in a bowl. Add the Hour and knead to a dough. Halve the dough, then shape each half into a loaf and brush with oil. Cover and leave to rest for 30 minutes. Roll out on a floured work surface to the thickness of a knife blade. Pierce with a fork and divide into strips of 4 x IK inches/10 x 3 cm with a dough wheel. Twist each strip over irsclf as if tying a knot. Heat the oil. The temperature is right when a piece of dough, dropped into the oil, rises to the top and expands quickly, Place the “twists” in the oil. Reduce the heat when they turn golden, and turn them over.

Remove the cooked “twists” with a slotted spoon. Carefully shake off the excess oil and place on paper towels to dry. Sprinkle with the vanilla and confectioners’ sugars, and serve immediately.