Goulash with horse-bean

10154344_742463369121674_136186795_n-e1400591956256Ingredients for 10 capita:

  • Picnic 0.90 kg
  • Onion 0.20 kg
  • Grained red paprika 0.02 kg
  • Basil a bit
  • Thyme a bit
  • Salt to taste
  • Condiment, or 2-2 carrots and parsley
  • Horse-bean 0.30 kg
  • Potato 1.50 kg
  • Toasted egg barley 0.25 kg – Or csipetke
  • Smoked bacon 0.15 kg
  • Garlic 2 cloves


Melt the smoked bacon to its grease, then parch the onion on in, and add the meat. When it lets out its juice, season it. Water it, to cover the whole, and add the bean. According to the traditional Hungarian goulash recipe, add the red paprika and the potato when the previous mixture is boiled. When the potato is boiled, add the pasta to it, and after 10 minutes of boiling, get if off the fire.

HUNGARIAN GOULASH SECRETS Interesting facts about the Hungarian goulash …the ingredients of the goulash made by the industrial hospitality can be found in the master book of the profession, written by József Venesz and Emil Túrós. Its Hungarian title is “Egységes vendéglátó receptkönyv és konyhatechnológia”. It sais, that the goulash needs lean beef, given amount of grease, onion, garlic, paprika, salt, caraway, tomato, potato and “csipetke”. It can be made in kettle, pot or even in casserole. It is a common agreement in the households, and in the restaurants, that the goulash can only be made from hard beef and the real goulash is made only in kettle! After that, here are some interesting variations. First of all, the csángó goulash with rice and sour cream, the Kolozsvár-style with cabbage, the Szeged-style or Great Plain style, with mixed vegetables and kale. In the csikós-goulash instead of the csipetke is vermicelli is advised. In other places, csusza-pasta is added to the soup… Details